What Kinds of Mobile Games Are There?
In addition to the many games offered on the mobile platform, several particular game genres have gained popularity in the mobile space. Location-based, casual, and subscription-based games fall under this category. A smartphone augmented reality game is a fantastic approach to increase player pleasure and retention. Anywhere you turn on your smartphone, you may begin playing the game. Many businesses have already used augmented reality in their smartphone games. Blippar is one of the most well-known AR mobile applications. This program scans an object and augments it using the camera on a smartphone. Pokemon Go is another smartphone game that uses augmented reality. You may find virtual Pokemon in the game, catch them, and train to battle them in the real world. The game was initially published in July 2016, and since then, both front-page news and YouTube videos have highlighted it. Field Trip and Wikitude are two other AR games. It is a virtual museum in the latter. Visitors may ex...